Actresses and Actors

Potential Actors/Actresses:

For my film to be perceived as real and suit all the conventions of the Horror genre, I had to take time and be very specific in choosing my actress. I have limited choices for my actor/actress. I only need two actors/actresses in my film so I could really take time and effort choosing the correct person.

The role that I need my actress to play is of a ‘possessed young girl’.

And the role that I need my actor to play is a scared, brave young man.


Female Actresses…

I Had limited options for this role…

Anna Day

Anna is studying Opera Studies and is a short, dark haired 20 year old. She is my brothers girl friend and one of my close friends, so she is normally at my house which is where I am going to be shooting my film. Anna has good acting experience, in operas around the UK. Anna, herself, and the coral group that she is involved with, is continuously sing around the UK.

However, unfortunately, during the time period that I want to film Anna is touring around Scotland, performing in Operas and Plays. So it will be very hard to use her as she will not be available for at least a weeks worth of filming.

Emma Saunders

Emma is 18 years old and studying Art at A2 level. She lives near me so having her around to film is easy.

She is a petit girl, with dark hair.

This suits my specifications because I do not need to see her face, all i need is her figure and dark hair.

However, as Emma is a full time Art student It is hard to fit in the filming around her studies. Also her holiday’s are at different times during the year than mine. So we have to manage to fit it in to weekends, that we are both able to film.

Daisy Cookson

Daisy is studying at Long Road sixth form college and is 16 years old. She is studying media as one of her AS levels so she would know about the aspects of film making, this is one reason why she is a good option for this role.

Also as she is in Cambridge, I live within easy driving distance to Cambridge so getting her to my house for filming would not be a problem.

However, as Daisy is studying for her AS levels she has modules in January for all of her subjects and she is a dedicated student so she cant spare many days for filming.


Also I Need A Male Actor…

Matt Bentley

Matt is a friend of mine who is very experienced in acting, and is currently undertaking a Performance Arts Foundation course.

I need a realistic, fearful and believable actor for the sounds and breathing throuhgout. Also with his experience a skill in this area, his movements will be realistic also, this all will add up to making my film as realistic as possible.

One drawback with using Matt in my film would be the fact that he lives in London. So finding time which suits the both of us, along with my other actress, was very difficult.

Ollie Claydon

Ollie is at University in Oxford studying Business Management. Physically, he suits the role perfectly. I need a male actor who is tall and of an average-skinny build. Ollie isAlso During the period in which I want to film he will be available. Ollie has experience in acting.

One drawback with using Ollie is that he is 21 and doesn’t have much free time. As my film needs to be shot at night time when it is dark, I need him to be home for at least a week, every night. So finding time that fits the both of us would be an issue if I choose to use Ollie.

Matt Vincent

Matt is one of my oldest friends I have known him since I was born. He is studying a home university course and is a Full time life guard. He has limited acting experience but he is pretty muhc perfect build and meets all the specifications of what my male actor needs.
However Matt is very shy and I think I may struggle to get him to take part. Also he is a full time life guard so he has limited spare time, especially as he has university work to do also.